Tuesday, November 27, 2007

An Impromptu Stir-fry

For Sunday's dinner, we both wanted anything but turkey, and nothing to do with mashed potatoes. We chose, then, to make a stir-fry. I ran through the new Super Target and picked up as many fresh, organic vegetables as I could find, including green and red peppers, carrots, zucchini, onions and mushrooms. A bit of chicken and a packet of sauce (is that really cheating) and we had dinner.

I love stir-fry's and I'm not sure why we don't make them more often. They're so versatile. I've used pork and beef and have skipped the meat all together. I've used water chestnuts, or bamboo shoots, or just peppers. I guess anything could go. This would be a great dish to whip together after a trip to the farmers market. Which I terribly miss, by the way.

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